Senior Minister of State, Dr Koh Poh Koon,
His Excellency, Ambassador Abdulla Al-Hamar,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
A very warm welcome to the Pavilion Energy LNG import launch ceremony. Thank you for being here – especially on a Saturday afternoon – to celebrate this significant milestone with us. A special thank you to Dr Koh Poh Koon for honouring us with his presence. Pavilion Energy is honoured that our partners and friends are here with us to celebrate this momentous occasion.
We are pleased to be working with our partner, Qatargas, on the supply of this cargo, which will be the first direct import to Singapore for delivery to our downstream customers. LNG supply from Qatargas provides the flexibility and reliability that Pavilion Energy offers to our customers.
Five years ago, Pavilion Energy was established to be a key LNG player in the region. Today, we have a portfolio of both LNG and piped natural gas supplies. Our LNG portfolio, comprising of long-term LNG volumes from international suppliers and partners, is well-complemented by our LNG spot volumes from our trading activities. It has been a fulfilling journey for us, and we look forward to the exciting opportunities and challenges ahead.
On that note, let me take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to Mr Seah Moon Ming, who is here with us today, for his leadership of Pavilion Energy and dedication to secure the LNG Importer Licence. The company is positioned for its next stage of growth and we look forward to Frédéric, who assumed the position as Group CEO in February this year, to provide strong leadership and to build on the solid foundations to grow and expand the business.
The Singapore market continues to be a priority for Pavilion Energy. Today, we supply natural gas to one-third of Singapore’s industrial requirements across the power generation, petrochemicals, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing industries. Our customers in Singapore are important to us – and we look forward to continue to serve them with market-competitive and flexible terms, that will meet the requirements of both large transmission network customers and smaller industrial buyers.
Pavilion Energy has undertaken a variety of LNG-related operations. This includes Singapore’s first jetty-to-jetty LNG transfer operations at the SLNG terminal. Pavilion Energy also recently supported the commissioning of SLNG’s Tank 4, with the supply of LNG. With the leasing of the SLNG Tank 3, Pavilion Energy has ramped up its LNG trading and operations activities, including storage and reloads at the SLNG terminal.
Looking ahead, global energy demand will continue to grow and natural gas will play a leading role in supporting this growth. As we move forward, Pavilion Energy will work closely with our partners and customers to grow our business in Singapore, even as we continue to expand our regional and global initiatives.
To our partners, suppliers and customers, on behalf of Pavilion Energy, I would like to express our deep appreciation for the support over the years. I would also like to thank Shell and SLNG for the excellent tripartite cooperation and support on the import of this cargo. Our appreciation to SLNG for giving us access to their terminal for today’s ceremony. The success of our partnerships can only be as strong as our ties, anchored on a foundation of trust and honour.
To conclude, as a strong advocate for LNG in Asia, today’s cargo marks a new chapter for Pavilion Energy as we push forward to be a leading global LNG player. Once again, thank you for sharing this special moment.